Dotlačilová Petra

Ballet, Contemporary Dance, Mime, New Circus, Physical Theatre, Historical Dance
Prague Region


Petra Dotlacilova studied Italian Philology at Charles University and Dance Studies at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (PhD in 2016), specializing in eighteenth-century European ballet and theatre. Currently she is pursuing doctoral research in Theatre Studies at Stockholm University, focusing on costume for opera and ballet, and its transformation during the eighteenth century. Since 2014 she has participated in the research project “Performing Premodernity”, which brings together an interdisciplinary research group of international academic and artistic scholars devoted to studying the musical and theatrical ideals, practices and conditions of the late eighteenth century. Between 2015 and 2017 she collaborated on the project Emmy Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe "Ritualdesign für die Ballettbühne: Konstruktionen von Volkskultur im europäischen Theatertanz (1650–1760)" at Leipzig University. She published in several Czech and international journals and books. In 2013 she published her Master thesis with NAMU publishing house under the title The Development of Ballet Pantomime in Europe of the Enlightenment, in 2019 she co-edited anthology Body Dance Costume, published by Leipziger Universitätsverlag.

Apart from the academic research, she regularly publishes reviews, articles and interviews on dance topics in Taneční aktuality and occasionally also on other platforms, e.g. Svět a divadlo, ArtZóna ČT, Živá hudba, Hudební rozhledy, Tanec (SK), Dansportalen (SE).


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