

It reports, reflects and discusses stage dance throughout the German-speaking world. The exclusively digital Tanznetz was and is supported by a unique community of journalists, photographers, dramaturgs, scientists, educators, dancers and students from German-speaking countries. They make their texts, photos and films available to the dance scene.



Tanzplattform Germany

A forum for the presentation of current developments and innovative currents in contemporary dance from Germany.




Deutscher Berufsverband für Tanzpädagogik e.V.

Supporting all the professional interests of its members and ensures the quality of dance pedagogy at private schools for artistic dance. It continuously offers its own training and continuing education seminars.




Deutsche Bühnenverein

Interest and employer association of theaters and orchestras. It solves all artistic, organizational and cultural-political problems that affect theaters and orchestras in any way.


Workshops, auditions, open calls and other opportunities from the dance world in your inbox.
