Hayashi Lucie

Choreographer, Producer, PR Manager, Publicist, Teacher
Ballet, Contemporary Dance, Physical Theatre, Other


doc. Mgr. MgA. Lucie Hayashi, Ph.D., (*1983, maiden name Burešová), is a Czech dance writer and manager based in Prague. She finished masters and doctoral studies in Choreology and Dance research at Music and Dance Faculty of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (HAMU), where she continues lecturing since and was named the Head of the Dance deparment in 2021 and habilitated to associate professor in 2024.

Besides she also got her master degree also from Japanese Studies at the Charles University in Prague she devoted her academic research to dance in Japanese society and culture. Hayashi is cooperating on Japanese theater and dance productions and lecturing on Japanese dance and theater and also on Dance management and production. 

In 2006 she co-founded Taneční aktuality, an online Dance News Magazine, where she works as an editor and manager and publishes regularly reviews, interviews or articles about dance. She worked also as a PR manager in Laterna magika and ten years as an assistant director of The National Theatre Opera in Prague. She is a member of the expert grant commitee of Prague city and Ministry of Culture for dance, festivals and foreign culture affairs and also a member of the PerformCzech dramaturgical board.


April 2024 - habilitated to associate professor in Choreology and Dance research
October 2008 - 2014 doctoral studies of Dance Science/Dance Theory at HAMU Prague (2014 Ph.D.)

October 2005 - 2013 Japanese Studies at FFUK (2013 Mgr.)

October 2002 - 2007 Dance Science/Dance Theory at HAMU Prague (2007 MgA.)

Work experience

- from 2021 - Head of the Dance department of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague


 - from 2014 until now - lecturer at HAMU Prague (Dance in Asian Cutures, Performing Arts Management, Dance production, Communication a Media)


- 2013 - 2017 - Director of the specialized internet dance journal Taneční aktuality o.p.s. (Dance News) (since 2010 editor-in-chief, since 2007 editor, founder)


- 2012 - 2021 - secretary of HAMU Dance department


- 2012 - 2019 - lecturer Japanese traditional theater at the Japanese Studies of the Institute of Asian Studies in Prague


- 2011 - 2021 - assistant director in the ensemble of the National Theater Opera in Prague


Hayashi, Lucie: The Floor for Dance Researchers in the Czech Republic. In: Brežica 2023

Hayashi, Lucie: (Ne)viditelný taneční výzkum. Živá hudba 2013 (HAMU 2022)Hayashi, Lucie: (Ne)viditelný taneční výzkum. Živá hudba 2013 (HAMU 2022).

Hayashi, Lucie: Dance, Education and Economics: Potential in Dance Education. In: Taniec w edukacji a rozwój człowieka. Narodowy Instytut Muzyki i Tańca; Chopin University Press; Warszawa 2022, ISBN: 978-83-66522-09-1; 978-83-65990-56-3, pp. 93-109.

Hayashi, Lucie: Critical Thinking in Creative Dance Education. In: Dance and Theory: Challenges and Tendencies in Teaching Theory in Dance Education. HTF VŠMU, Bratislava 2022, ISBN: 978-80-8195-115-2.

Hayashi, Lucie: Potenciál tance v kulturní politice. Živá hudba 12 (HAMU 2021)

Hayashi, Lucie: Dance as a commodity, dancer as a capital. In: Anne von Bibra Wharton and Dalia Urbanavičienė, eds.: Dance and Economy, Dance Transmission. Klaipeda 2021

Hayashi, Lucie: Tanec v ekonomických kontextech: teoretická východiska a praktické souvislosti. Spoluautorky: Dorota Gremlicová, Daniela Machová 182-191. Živá hudba 11 (HAMU 2020)

Hayashi, Lucie: How Much For A Dancer? Culture Policy towards Dance in Japan and Czech Republic. In: Apjok, Vivian, ed. Dance and Politics (University of Szeged, 2019)

Hayashi, Lucie: Japonci v českém baletu – novodobá migrace a integrace umělců v evropském prostoru. Český lid 105 (Praha 2018)

Hayashi, Lucie: Květ mezi jevištěm a hledištěm. Zeamiho estetické teorie v kontextu výzkumu teorie performativních umění. Živá hudba 8 (HAMU 2017)

Hayashi, Lucie: Perception of Dance from the Japanese Body: Sixth Sense of a Dancer – Inner Touch or Outer Sight? In: Stepputat, Kendra, ed. Dance, Senses, Urban Contexts. (Graz: Institute of Ethnomusicology, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, 2017)

Hayashi, Lucie: Význam kata v japonském tanci: analýza taneční složky divadla nó. Živá hudba 6 (HAMU 2016)

Hayashi, Lucie: Dancing Poetry in Japanese Theatre Movement: Narratives in the Choreography of Hagoromo. In: Dunin, Elsie Ivancich, ed. Dance, Narratives, Heritage. (Zagreb: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, 2015)

Hayashi, Lucie: Acumori. Plav 12/2014. (Splav! 2014)

Burešová, Lucie: Výzkum tance: k problematice současných metod a přístupů. Živá hudba 4 (HAMU 2014)

Burešová, Lucie: Vyděděnci společnosti národním pokladem. Historický přehled postavení tanečníka v japonském tradičním divadle. Profese tanečníka (HAMU 2013)

Burešová, Lucie: Systém tanečního vzdělání v Japonsku. Živá hudba 3 (HAMU 2013)

Burešová, Lucie: Tanec butó v kontextu moderních dějin japonského divadla. DISK (AMU 2011)

Burešová, Lucie: Tanec v prostředí aristokratického rodu Schwarzenbergů na přelomu 18. a 19. století. Svědectví krumlovských pramenů. Tanec a společnost (HAMU 2009)

Burešová, Lucie: Mísa zvaná Hroznatova. Taneční motivy na dílech středověkého uměleckého řemesla. Stopy tance (HAMU 2007). Spoluautorky: Zuzana Smugalová, Dorota Gremlicová


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