obnaŽENA + diskuze s hostem

obnaŽENA + diskuze s hostem

The Same Self

Choreographer: Ivana Kolcunová


Performers: Ivana Kolcunová, Tereza Holubová, Michaela Jonczy, Katarína Zatovičová, Jana Otáhalová

Performance description

obnaŽENA* („naked“) revolves around a natural female cycle. It is a dialogue of an acrobat and a singer. This performance is for women to lovingly accept their nature. And it is also for men to see the potential hidden in the feminine moodiness.

*You're one, yet four times different. Every month. Throughout the entire year. You have natural gifts within. New beginnings. Energy recovery. Deep immersion in yourself. Attracting and creating whatever you need. Getting rid of what no longer serves you. Loving understanding. Creative craziness. Just be in touch and connected with yourself. Accept that who you are right now is just all right.

obnaŽENA + diskuze s hostem
obnaŽENA + diskuze s hostem
obnaŽENA + diskuze s hostem
obnaŽENA + diskuze s hostem
obnaŽENA + diskuze s hostem