Soft Spot

Soft Spot

Premiere: 10.03.2022

Adrienn Hód, Martina Hajdyla, Soňa Ferienčíková

Choreographer: Adrienn Hód, Martina Hajdyla, Soňa Ferienčíková
Place: Praha 3, Ponec – divadlo pro tanec


Performers: Martina Hajdyla, Soňa Ferienčíková

Performance description

An experimental physical performance born out of cooperation between dancers Martina Hajdyla, Soňa Ferienčíková and choreographer Adrienn Hód.*

Through improvisation and a research of the physical body, they explored the relationship between body, personality and meaning.

*What do we perceive when we look at the human body? What does the face, the gesture, the posture, the movement tell us? How do we communicate through the body with others?*

*Soft Spot plays with the blurring of human qualities, asks what defines humans, and looks for a hidden, sensitive “soft spot” in everybody.

Length: 90 min


Soft Spot
Soft Spot
Soft Spot
Soft Spot
Soft Spot
Soft Spot