Souboj Titánků

Souboj Titánků

Premiere: 26.06.2013


Place: Praha 10-Vršovice, Vzlet

Performance description

Humanity is on the brink of total collapse… For a long time balance reigned, but the forces of evil have started to prevail… Selfishness, falsehood and their faithful sister hatred are tilting the scale… Humanity is desperate, embarrassing and banal… The gods can no longer be silent… Olympus is a pleasant place for them to loiter, but from time to time they must get involved in human affairs; after all, it’s in their job description… That time has come. The clash of the titans has begun! But first… first the gods must consult!

Length: 60 min


Souboj Titánků
Souboj Titánků
Souboj Titánků
Souboj Titánků
Souboj Titánků
Souboj Titánků