Strejčková Hana

Choreographer, Performer, Dramaturge, Publicist, Teacher, Director
Ballet, Contemporary Dance, Dance & Movement for Children, Mime, Physical Theatre, Acrobatics


The Star Rovers, author and choreographer

Mitternacht im Grenzgebiet/ Midnight in Borderland, author and director

Three Chairs, author and choreographer

Among Us, author and director

Carnival of Animal, dramaturg (chor. B. Látalová)


MgA. Hana Strejčková is currently studying in the HAMU doctoral program at the Department of

Nonverbal Theatre. In 2002 she graduated from Theatre Academy Performing Arts in Prague,

dramaturgy – directing. Also, she studied physical theatre at the Jacques Lecoq International Theatre

School in Paris and at the same school received a diploma in experimental scenography from the

Pascale Lecoq Atelier – the Laboratoire d´Etudes du Mouvement (Laboratory of Movement

Research). In the UK, she studied creative writing for an year and she focused on the application of

dance techniques in working with specific groups, especially the elderly and physically, mentally

handicapped. She studied high school with focus on theatre, dance and sports in Russia for four


Work experience

From 2000 to present –publishing activity in the field of culture, physical theatre, new

circus, social art and literature

From 2002 to present – freelance artist touring internationally, performer, dramaturg and

choreographer, teacher

From 2010 to present – teacher of physical theatre and mask, object theatre and puppetry,

dance and movement for specific groups, creative writing (for AMU, UPOL, H55, for festivals

such as One world, Open Kolín, Čáry Máry Fuk – Hudba Světlo Zvuk, Loutkářská Chrudim etc.

and abroad in Germany Chemnitz Komplex, in Slovakia Bratislava Divadlo bez domova, in

Iceland Reykjavík Akademie 2018, in Russia Festival Proteatr Moskva, Czech Centre Moscow,


From 2011 to present – artist in social field, volunteering, education and research in FOD

Klokánek (2years), Home for Elderly Prague Chodov (6years), temporary projects such as

Utca-Szak Hungary – Made in Gypsistan, The Star Rovers (project for/about children

refugee), etc.

From 2013 to present – co-founder FysioART company, choreographer, stage manager,

dramaturg, performer.

From 2014 to present – leading a Theatre Studio for Foreign and Czech Children in Culture

Centre Zahrada in Prague

From 2017 to present – teaching guidance as an expert from professional theatre field –

Specialization in drama education, VOŠ Pedagogická a sociální, SOŠP a Gymnázium Praha 6

From 2017-2019 – part of an international project HIT Heroes of Inclusion and


2020 Completion of an accredited program the Ministry of Social Affairs: Basic educational non-

pedagogical activity for workers in social services

2020 Course: Circus pedagogy for social workers services, CIRQUEON

2019 Completion of an accredited program by the Ministry of Social Affairs: Basal stimulation I, led

by Hedvika Borýsková

2019 Completion of a course accredited by the Ministry of Education: 1st level Memory trainer,

Czech Society for Memory Training and Brain Jogging, head lecturer Ing. Dana Steinová

2019 Completion of a course accredited by the Ministry of Education, led by Martina Trávníčková


2018 Completion of a course accredited by the Ministry of Social Affairs: Validation according to

Naomi Feil Part I ®, lecturer Mgr. Mária Wirth, Phd.

2018 course Heroes of Inclusion and Transformation, Iceland Akademia Reykjavík

2018 Footsbarn Traveling Theatre Workshop, Švanda Theater Prague

2018 workshop Gestalt drama led by Mgr. Martin D. Polínek, Phd.

2018 Masterclass with Unmute Dance Company (JAR) – sign language as inspiration for dance

2018 Masterclass with Blaumeier-Atelier (Germany) – body and voice in inclusive theatre

2018 Masterclass with Adam Benjamin – dance and handicap / space and body, festival Proteatr


2018 Hero´s Journey (P. Rebillot´s method), training, Lanzarote Sp, supervision Adventure Life

2018 Qualification course for social workers, long-term accredited program by the Ministry of Social


2017 Completion of an accredited program: Psychological competences as a source of professional

and personal effectiveness, Practical Psychology, Russia, Rostov on Don, accredited program by

Educational Centre Sentio

2017 workshop Dance-movement method with a focus on people suffering from Parkinson's disease

led by Rena Milgrom, Studio Alta Prague

2017 Completion of an accredited course by the Ministry of Education: Working with the body in

psychotherapy, University of Psychosocial Studies Prague

2017 workshop GYROKINESIS® method workshop, lecturer: Josefine Wosahlo, Dance transit festival.

Prague. Dresden. Leipzig, Tanec Praha and Alta studio

2017 Masterclass Dance and Alzheimer, lecturer: Thierry Niang, One World Festival Prague, Lucerna


2017 Completion of a course accredited by the Ministry of Social Affairs: Occupational therapy and

its use in practice, MAVO Prague

2017 Masterclass for choreographers: Dance and handicap with Stopgap Dance company, lecturers:

Lucy Bennett, Dave Toole, London Sadler´s Wells Theater – Lilian Baylis Studio

2017 Dance Dramaturgy I, lecturer: Guy Cools, Dance Prague / Ponec and Alta Theatre

2017 Light design training, led by Pavla Beranová and Vladimír Burian, JAMU Brno

2013 Unpack the Arts & Crying Out Loud, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, educational residency for cultural

publicists with a focus on the new circus

2012 workshop Laboratory of the Human Voice, lecturer: Ivana Vostárková, Hlasohled at the

Museum of Music in Prague

2012 workshop Home: Scape, Teatr Novogo fronta Praha

2012 Completion of a long-term training: Intensive Modern Commedia dell 'Arte Workshop, Teatro

Punto Amsterdam

2012 workshop Psychology of movement, lecturer: Katrien van Beurden, Amsterdam

2012 workshop Mask and the dynamic of imagination, lecturer: Carlos Garcia Estevez, Amsterdam

2011 Completion of a course accredited by the Ministry of Education: Creative writing, lecturers:

prof. Zbyněk Fišer, Eva Davidové Phd., Jičín

2011 Completion of a course accredited by the Ministry of Education: Watching – observing –

wondering/ seminar on B. Brecht's method in art-education with children, led by Prof. Dr.Christel

Hoffmann (Germany), Svitavy, NIPOS

2010 Completion of a course accredited by JAMU Brno: Dramatic play as a starting point for staging,

DaV DiFa JAMU in Brno


24.8.2020 International Symposium org. MGPU / Moscow State University of Psychology and

Pedagogy: "Education and City: education and quality of living in the city", round table dedicated to

Theatre Pedagogy in the Czech Republic and the USA

2020 University of Psychology and Pedagogy Armavir, Russia: "Pedagogical experience in

contemporary education", lecture: The impact of fear on moral values ​​

2018 Hero´s Journey – Heroes of Inclusion and Transformation, Bratislava, SK, lecture: Basic circle of

emotions in theatre practice

2018 University of Psychology and Pedagogy Armavir, Russia, lecture: Theatre for Special Education –

Everyday situation by theatrical optics

2018 Center for Contemporary Art and Proteatr Festival Moscow, topic Art-therapy-inclusion, Russia,

lecture: Triptych of nonverbal communication – breath, look, touch

2014 Symposium PQ 2015: Mask, Prague, Trade Fair Palace, Studio of Heroes


2020, 2019, 2018 Taneční Aktuality Speciál, Shrnutí sezóny nového cirkusu

2018/9 Among Heroes and Demons, ISBN: 978˗80˗971354˗6˗1 (co-author)

2018 book, 222 a 2 příběhy 20. století/ 222 and 2 stories of 20th Century, ISBN: 978-80-270-


2017 book, Už běžím domů, ISBN: 978-80-270-2855-9

2014–2016 Yearbooks of the New Circus, Cirqueon

2013 Essay from Edinburgh Fringe: The genre diversity of the new circus at the Fringe

Festival in Edinburgh / published by the Unpack the Arts Edinburgh



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