
Graduated from department of Theatre studies at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague and retraining course Librarianship and Information Sources.

Work experience

In 1998 and 1999 he was the editor-in-chief of the magazine Taneční listy and since 2000 he has been working at the Arts Institute - Theatre Institute. As a dance critic, he has published, for example, in Taneční aktuality, Dance Zone, Divadelní noviny, Opera plus, in the daily press, etc. He is the editor and co-author of Different Banks, choreographer Jiří Kylián between The Hague and Prague (2011) and co-author of 100 years of theatre Rokoko (2015).

Since 2006 he has been focusing on social issues in Czech dance. He addressed the topic within the projects Concept of More Effective Art Support for 2007–2013 and Human Resources and Employment 2007–2013 and in the publications Study of Continuous Applicability of Artistic Personnel (2012, together with Václav Riedlbauch), Analysis and Description of Good Practice in the Czech Republic (2014, together with Jana Bohutínská) or Changes in the labor market / Comparison of occupations / Contribution and disposition of artists for practice in other fields (2015, together with Jana Návratová). Currently, as an author and editor, he participates in the Czech Dance in Data edition, in which he prepared the study Dance Education (2017), Ballet (2017) and in 2020 he is preparing to publish the study Black Theater and Entrepreneurship in Ballet. Roman Vašek is a member of the board of the Dance Career Endowment Fund and chairman of the Thalia Awards in ballet, dance and movement theater.


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